Tag Archives: Thames Basin

In the catchment…

Just a short wander to a boundary I never knew…

For my birthday this year, I got a framed, 1930’s Provisional O. S. map. It was a late present, but I was chuffed – and it went straight on the wall of my ‘work from home office’. Much as I love the multiple digital resources of National Library of Scotland ( what a godsend!), perusing a printed map is something else…

Getting familiar as I looked to see what features were there before development, there was one little detail marked as ‘Thames above Teddington Lock Catchment area Bay (Boundary)’ The other side was Hampshire Rivers C.A. Bdy. I had not really noted this before.

Who knew?

So what’s special about Thames above Teddington Lock? Well it is at the point of Teddington that the River Thames becomes tidal.

There is probably a difference a geologist would correct me on, but this catchment area is more commonly referred to as the Thames Basin – The rivers and tributaries flowing into the Thames.
In layman’s terms, everything to the right side of this boundary is eventually flowing ‘North’ eventually passing The London Eye, The Thames Barrier and Gravesend!
Everything to the left off the boundary flows off the Downs and ‘South’ into Hampshire – primarily into the Upper Test.

I found this lovely map below…

Our Patch – The Loddon

The River Loddon springs up in Basingstoke, and flows 28 miles into the Thames at Wargrave, near Reading.


A short walk

Between two tracts of ancient woodlands, one of several that straddle between Oakley and Basingstoke I went to mark the spot.

It’s a space ‘under threat’ Development, as ever, – and may really only be appreciated by being there to understand it.

There is Farm on Manydown Land called Breach Farm and dates back to C17. Its a very pleasant stroll on some old tracks.

In the photo below Jeffery’s Copse straddles the edge of the boundary.

At the spot of this invisible boundary of catchment areas…
“Londons that way”

Its just a little bit more to add to the tapestry of life and education of the place we live…